First Responders
“I want to be a person, not an incident…”
- Police Officer-
Life sometimes feels confusing and overwhelming. One can become angry, disenchanted, fearful or distrustful of others based on things that have happened to them or around them. The nature of a career where you are always "on" during your working hours - serving, protecting, even saving others - can lead to direct or secondary trauma. The complex challenges of this line of work are often layered on top of the commonplace problems we all have.
The first goal is to provide a confidential, warm, and welcoming space to explore the issues that may be keeping you from experiencing life to the fullest.
Problems often arise from more than just one critical incident. Organizational and cumulative stress can be just as difficult to manage.
Although the job is physically dangerous, the psychological hazards can be less obvious but more damaging. Brain pain is an injury and can be healed.
Other people’s tragedies do not have to become your trauma!
Witnessing other people’s misery and bad choices can be overwhelming, but it does not have to define you.
Significant others can be affected as well.
For more information on the comprehensive wellness program provided to first responders please visit our affiliate
"We are not changing what happened, we are changing the way it lives in us…”
- Unknown-
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy can help promote healing from trauma or difficult life experiences and accelerates the resolution of emotional distress.
With over 30 years of clinical research, EMDR is accepted as an evidenced-based treatment for trauma and other disturbing experiences and is recognized by the World Health Organization, American Psychological Association, and the Department of Defense.
As the client focuses on a specific or target memory related to a traumatic event or other situation, the therapist will facilitate bilateral stimulation through eye movements, tapping, or possibly alternating audio stimuli. This stimulation allows the brain to accelerate the emotional and intellectual processing needed to gain insights into the situation. The work is done by the brain "behind the scenes" and requires less clinician intervention than traditional talk therapy.
It has been described as if one is riding a train as old memories go cascading by. As these old memories and connections come to the surface and are reprocessed, they become stored again in a more adaptive way in the brain and distress is greatly decreased. It may take only a few sessions to see noticeable improvements.
EMDR has been proven to work very well with single or multiple traumatic events.
It can also be very effective with a variety of other disturbing events you may not view as "traumatic" as well as with grief, depression, and anxiety.
Gifted Teens & Adults
“Being different isn't always a bad thing.”
-Alicia, The Fantastic Four-
People often think gifted teens can just rationalize their way out of difficulties.
Not true!
Whether you are a teen identified as gifted and talented or high ability, a parent of a GT kid, or a gifted adult yourself, you know that sometimes people just don't understand what it is like to be you. We get it!
Expectations of others and ourselves, hypersensitivities, perfectionism, over/underachieving, or feeling like you don't fit in can all plague this population. Although anyone can struggle with anxiety, depression, or self-esteem issues, giftedness adds another variable to the equation.
We will work together in a warm and welcoming space to help you find ways to feel comfortable in your own skin and to live a more fulfilling life.
If you are a parent, we can help you understand and advocate for your child and work with you to find the best parenting strategies for your situation. We can provide support and empathy as you continue this rewarding and sometimes frustrating journey.
“In order to get to a healthier and more productive place, we need to give up our fear of conflict, turmoil and resistance.”
-Dr. Gottman-
Every relationship encounters conflict at different times, but there are healthy and unhealthy ways to manage that conflict. Is your partner able to communicate in a way you understand his/her needs? Relationship challenges are common, conflict is common, but unhealthy conflict and communication can lead to a stress filled relationship. We would like to be a part of your journey towards a healthier more productive relationship.
“…by understanding a few simple and easy-to-master basics about how the brain works, you’ll be able to better understand your child…”
-Dr. Daniel Siegel, The Whole-Brain Child-
Sleep deprivation, cheerios in the computer keyboard, tantrums in stores, fights with siblings in the backseat of the car….we have all been there. Do your days as a parent sometimes feel like survival of the fittest? We want our children to thrive in this life, not just survive. But how do we thrive in those difficult parenting moments that happen every day? We are here to help you with parenting skills to utilize in those moments, taking everyday happenings and incorporating healthier responses.